What if everything you ever wanted was right in front of you?

Nov 14, 2019

 by Felix Gonzalez

What if everything you ever wanted was right in front of you? 

What's up evrerybody, it's been a long time since I've written a blog post, or even VLOG... 

and today was one of those days where everything has become so clear to me on where I'm headed and what I want clients to see or know about FGP, and where we are headed as an organization. 

But that will come later... back to what you want? 

Have you ever asked yourself why life just does not seem to go your way?

Why in most cases it is sooo hard for you, but easier for others to obtain a certain outcome that can totally be the same!

Why your passion somehow doesnt seem to fuel your purpose enough to get what you truly you want...

Or even worse, after hours and hours on end of time invested to get, what your thought was a fulfulling outcome, but quickly come to realize that it was a total waste of time...

Well let me explain what my revelation today was on this topic after intense journaling was....

I have come to the conclusion, that most things we desire lie right in front of our faces; within arms reach, but the desire of wanting it so bad is what usually clouds or covers up the ability to see that it's already...

This desire, this passion that is erroneously fueled by others peoples perceptions of what they think our desire should be (hope I didnt lose you there. ;) lol) is what jacks us all up and throws us off course. 

What if the road to you getting what you wanted was as a simple as an idea that all you had to do, is profess it to existince, vidualize it, and then just grab it?

Well Im here to tell you, that it's really that simple. 

These past few months, have revealed to me that what I've wanted has been in my hands whole time, but I have not been able to see it, because there have been people, things, issues (call it what you like) that have been in the way of me seeing and feeling it. 

These things have left me in a place of resentment and jealousy, which left no room for gratitude of the accomplishments that have been already created!

Hopefully this makes sense to you...

But next time, you beat yourself down in reflection to what you dont have or think you should have:

How about taking a different aproach, taking a more gratitude approach to what you have overcome, and you will quickly see...that what you've always wanted, has always been right in front of your face. 

You've just been in the way, this whole time... 


Hope this helps you as it helped me...

- Coach Felix